vrijdag 15 augustus 2014

The Make Over

You don't have to say that the summer is almost over, because i know, but still guys! I want to do something with my crazy balcony. My son is getting bigger now and like all kids, my son wants to go outside more and soon he will want to play. Sometimes we go really early in the morning (specially for my son) to say hello to the birds, he loves it. So i'm planning to do a make-over for our ugly balcony. I want to make it beautiful and let it become more child friendly for my kido. I made a selection of a couple of cool products. I hope you guys like it and especially the Rockingchair €127. This chair is so perfect! If this chair does not fit into your interior you can check for other models on their website. They have chairs for the livingroom, baby room or your own bedroom and don't forget to follow them on facebook || But really, imagine.. sitting outside in your rocking chair, drinking some hot tea, blanket, chatting with your friend and talk about life. That would be nice right? || Plaid || Basket || Glass || Pot || Plants || Storagebox || lemonadetap || Candles

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